Here I am, Lord.
Young and strong and ready.
A pitcher brimming full.
Waiting to be poured out
where you direct.
Here I am, Lord.
Spent and tired and overworked.
A pitcher empty and drained.
Waiting to be filled again
by your grace.
Here I am, Lord.
Sick and depressed and grieving.
A pitcher cracked and broken;
Unable to be filled.
Waiting to be healed
so I can hold your living water again.
Here I am, Lord.
Rested and refreshed and renewed.
A pitcher nearly filled again.
Waiting to be restored
back to fullness in you.
Here I am, Lord.
A pitcher made in your image.
Sometimes full, sometimes empty,
somtimes broken, and sometimes healed.
Waiting to learn
what you can only teach me
by changing the conditions of my existence.
Yes, here I am, Lord... trusting in You to guide me. I enjoyed that poem and will copy it as a reminder that it is ok to not always be a perfect pitcher... but to always be receptive.