Here I am, Lord.
Young and strong and ready.
A pitcher brimming full.
Waiting to be poured out
where you direct.
Here I am, Lord.
Spent and tired and overworked.
A pitcher empty and drained.
Waiting to be filled again
by your grace.
Here I am, Lord.
Sick and depressed and grieving.
A pitcher cracked and broken;
Unable to be filled.
Waiting to be healed
so I can hold your living water again.
Here I am, Lord.
Rested and refreshed and renewed.
A pitcher nearly filled again.
Waiting to be restored
back to fullness in you.
Here I am, Lord.
A pitcher made in your image.
Sometimes full, sometimes empty,
somtimes broken, and sometimes healed.
Waiting to learn
what you can only teach me
by changing the conditions of my existence.